It is said that a long, long time ago, everyone’s browser had its own color palette.
An ordinary oil painting, opened on another computer, might be able to make you appreciate the contrast and sensory punch of pop art – interspersed with the wit of silicon-based creatures.
Then there was a company known as Netscape, who specified 216 colors based on the integer value of 51; so that no matter where you were, the display would be the same.
We know these colors as web-safe colours. The theme colour of this website is one of these 216.
While the Internet is full of uncertainties, we can at least be sure that when the data streams return to the past through the 56k modulator-demodulator, the electron gun hits the phosphor, still bringing the same clear, lovely light blue.
Hello, World!
人在美国加载不出网易云,还在想“清亮浅蓝”之后放个 66CCFF 多好,点了下面的 iframe 好多遍以为是评论区最后审查元素才发现原来是网易云……
名称:Joseph’s Blog
描述:『生如逆旅 · 一苇以航』
搞定了 现在换页的时候会刷新一下卡一小下 不过起码能用了
好耶 当然没问题了 论博客啥的我还得多跟你学习学习呢
先加上链接吧 图标部分我还在调布局 过一阵子放
珞林的博客 图标因为有防盗链得手动保存下来~